The cell is a membrane bounded unit of Protoplasm (living matter),.. The protoplasm of the cell (Cytoplasm) is a mixture of organic and inorganic materials, which are arrangp..d to make a frame work of the cell called Matrix. Suspended in the matrix are two types of cell's Components. These are cell Inclusions and Cell Organelles.
Cell Inclusions:
Cell Inclusions are the cell comp~nents that do not perform life activities of the cell directly but only are present in the cytoplasm: Starch Particles in Plant cells, Glycogen granules of animal cells and Polyhydroxy - Butyric Acid (PRB) crystals in some bacterial cells etc. are some examples of inclusions. Thesy inclusions function as energy storing materials inside the cells.
Cell Organelles:
Cell Organelles (Organs - functional structure; Biles - small) means the functional structures of the cells. Organelles, therefore, are the cell components which perform life. functions of the cell. Cell membrane, Nucleus, Mitochondria, Ribosomes, and Golgi complex etc, for example, are some of the important Organelles of the cell. Each organelle performs a specific function of the cell. Organelles are divided into two main groups. These are Membranous Organelles and Non-Membranous Organelles.
Membranous Organelles:
Cen Organelles, like cell-membrane; Nuclear membrane, Mitochondria, Endoplasmic Reticulum, Goigi complex, Lysosomes, Microbodies and Food Vacuoles etc. are called Membranous because they are made up of Unit Membrane.
Non-Membranous Organelles.
Organelles of a cell like Ribosomes, Chromosomes, Centriole, Cilia br Flagella and Cytoskeleton etc. are called Non-Membranous because they are not composed of unit membrane, instead each is composed of some specific materials.
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